

Please follow these prayer steps and add to it fasting and prayers as the Holy Spirit will lead you, 3 days fasting with these prayers will be a good start.

Step 1. Come into the presence of God with thanks given (Psalm 100:4, Psalm 95:2)

–> My precious Lord Jesus Christ, I come before you with my heart full of thanks for everything you have been doing in my life, I am very grateful for your love, your grace and mercy towards me. Lord Jesus, I worship you in the beauty of your holiness, receive all the glory and honour and adoration. Thank you for accepting my thanks given and worship Amen.

Step 2. Apply the Blood of Jesus for Cleansing from all sins (Proverbs 15:8)

–> Dear Lord Jesus Christ I acknowledge all my sins before you this moment sin or evil thoughts and imaginations, sin of negligence, sin of lies and deceptions etc… for I know you are a merciful God oh my Lord I pray thee that let the precious Blood of Jesus Christ clean every stain on my garment of righteousness, I repent from all my sins, forgive my transgressions sanctify me make me pure and let my name be and remain in the lambs book of life forever thank you Lord Jesus Christ for my know that while we are yet speaking you have heard us and when we speak you will answer us.  In Jesus Christ name i pray. Amen.

Step 3 Present your prayers unto the Lord (James 5:16, Romans 12:12, mark 11:23)

Do this every day until you see the manifestation of the results in your life

1. Fire of the Holy Spirit arise and consume any spiritual cage mentality in me in the name of Jesus Christ

2. Blood of Jesus Christ please arise and erase any invisible line drawn around me to contain my progress in the might name of Jesus Christ

3. I command any satanic embargo placed upon my life to catch fire and burn to ashes now in the name of Jesus Christ

4. Angels of the living God with flaming swords of fire, i send you now to locate any satanic and witch craft cages holding my blessings such as; my opportunities, my finances, my devinely given ideas, my education, my job, my husband, my wife, my health, promotion, my ministry, my passport, my visa, my cars, my degree, my phd, my anointing, my star and any other thing partaineth to me. Slice open and collect that which is mine and bring them back to me now in the name of Jesus Christ

5. I take hold of the divine hammer of God and i smite and break every demonic container to be opened currently housing my destiny in the name of Jesus Christ. I command my destiny to be properly quickened according to the divine order in the name of Jesus Christ

6. I command every area of my life which the enemy has turned upside down to be turned right side up in the name of Jesus Christ

7. I renounce every limitation I have placed on myself and every limitation I have accepted to be put on me now in the name of Jesus Christ. I decree I choose to live a life without limits in the name of Jesus Christ.

8. By the Devine hammer of God I dismantle every satanic cage housing my eyes, my ears, my mind, my heart, my hands, my legs, my body, my soul and my spirit now, in the name of Jesus Christ. I Command my eyes, my ears, my mind, my heart, my legs, my body, my soul, and my spirit to jump out of witchcraft submission now in the name of Jesus Christ

9. I command every agent of darkness holding my life and my star, release them now in the name of Jesus Christ

10. Fire of God fall now, consume and burn to ashes every bars, arrows and nets of darkness designed to imprison my life and benefits in the name of Jesus Christ

11. My good and my destiny that has been locked away from my life, i unlock you with the key of david in the hands of Jesus Christi command you come forth and locate me now, in the name of Jesus Christ

12. I decree it, i will have what my enemies says i will not have, i will go where they say i will not go, i will be what they said i will not be, i will do what they said i will not do, in the name of Jesus Christ. Power of the Holy spirit fall upon me now and empower me to live out my destiny in the name of Jesus Christ

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The Post-Resurrection Appearances Of Jesus