Today’s Verse
Paul is reminding us that we alone are responsible for our words, our deeds, and the way that we conduct our life, but so also are our brothers and sisters in Christ. They too are individually responsible for what they say and what they do, what they eat or what they drink, what they wear or where they go.
However, too often we become critical of Christian brethren who do not conform to our own set standards of preferred behaviour patterns, feeling that they should change or modify this behaviour or that habit. Instead of concentrating on those around us, we should, in everything, live as unto the Lord, for each of us are accountable to God alone for the way we live our lives.
None of us have the right to ‘play God’ in the lives of other believers, and should the actions or behaviours of another not meet with our local tradition or personal practice, we have no right to inflict on others our own set standards. In the same way, we should not be bound to have the peculiarities of others inflicted upon us. This is in no way cause for us to excuse or wink at another’s or our own sin, which is a completely different issue. But whatever we do we should do as unto the Lord, for one day we will all stand before God, to give an account of ourselves to Him.
Let us take to heart this issue of personal responsibility and make it our primary motive to live a life that is honouring to the Father. Let us take account of how we live, and let us permit others to do the same in their lives, without fear or favour, for we are only accountable to the Lord for our life and the life we have lived.
Therefore, let us live as unto Him and run the race to win.
My Prayer
Help me, Lord, to live my life as unto You, and forgive me for the times I have wrongly criticised or interfered in the lives of others. Help me to be more responsible to live my life in a manner that is pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.
Bible References
12 So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.
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