
Short Afternoon prayer points

Short afternoon prayer points

1. Lord, thank you for my safety and protection so far. I return all the glory to you.

2. Lord, I thank you for the gift of life. You have not allowed the devil to triumph over me.

3. Lord, I ask for forgiveness for my iniquities. Wash me clean with your precious blood and redeem my soul back to you.

4. Lord, I ask for the protection of my boyfriends and girlfriends. Protect them from their enemies and the devil.

5. Lord, I ask for guidance for the remaining part of the day. Let your Holy Spirit direct all I will do today.

6. Lord, I ask for your blessings. Let everything I touch bring blessings to me.

7. Lord, protect my family and my loved ones. Let them be victorious over every plan of the devil.

8. Lord, I reject unhappiness, anxiety, and every form of bad news. Amen.

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