
Verse of the Day

“But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; Matthew 6:20(NASB)

Today’s Verse
A right attitude towards wealth and material possessions is a mark of spirituality. However, when a wrong attitude starts to develop, it gives birth to a range of ungodly motives and behaviours.

Materialism can enslave the heart, entrap the mind, subjugate the soul, and suppress the will of a believer. And when a man or woman elevates earthly possessions above their heavenly investments, they become shackled to the temporal things of this world, rather than being liberated by the spiritual gifts and eternal enrichment that their heavenly reward provides.

No one can serve money and the Master at the same time. No one can commit their heart and lives wholly to the Lord Jesus, serving and glorifying God in their inner man, if they are lusting after the things of this world. And so we are encouraged by the Lord Jesus Himself to lay up eternal treasures in the heavenly realm, in preference to seeking after the trivial trinkets of this transient world.

It is as we submit our lives to the Spirit and seek after the things of God that our spiritual store-house starts to be filled. Jesus Christ is not only our spiritual inheritance, but He is also our everlasting treasure and eternal reward. When our lives develop a right attitude towards Him, the Holy Spirit produces in us the fruitful works of righteousness.

When we are walking in spirit and truth, God’s glorious gifts of grace, which translate into gold, silver, and precious stones, will be produced in us, some thirty, some fifty, and some a hundred-fold.

Let us run to win so that we may lay up for ourselves good treasure in our heavenly home, for although our sin is forgiven and eternal life is our present possession, we will be judged for what we did in our lives, whether for good or ill.

My Prayer
Thank You, Father, that by grace I have been eternally saved, and by grace I am being transformed into the image and likeness of the Lord Jesus. May my life be one that glorifies You in thought, word, and deed, knowing that in so doing, treasure is being laid up for me in heavenly places. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.


Bible References

20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

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