Today’s Verse
There are many ways to describe believers in Scripture, and many similes drawn to illustrate our role in the world and relationship to Christ. We are sheep following our Shepherd and the Bride of our heavenly Bridegroom. The intimate relationship between a man his wife and the interconnectedness of Body-members with its living Head, are all pictures of Christians painted in the Word of God.
We are branches on a vine and ambassadors of Christ. We are called to be kings and priests and to function like soldiers, athletes, farmers, and fruit. We are cleansing salt in a decaying world and shining lights in a place of deep darkness. And in this passage, we are living stones being built together into a holy Temple, but it is Jesus Christ Who is the Chief Corner Stone. He is a living Stone Who has been rejected by men but honoured by His Heavenly Father.
He is the Precious Cornerstone being laid in Zion, upon Whom God’s spiritual House is founded. He is the life-giving Living Stone Who was rejected by men, but is choice, precious, holy, and beloved in the sight of God.
God the Father anointed His beloved Son for this prime position in the human race. Where the first Adam failed, God appointed the second Person of the Trinity to be the last Adam who would complete the task of governing the world, where Adam failed. He became the federal Head of God’s new creation of man and was give the position of being the secure, foundation Stone of God’s new creation. Though rejected by men, He is of immense value to the Lord.
He is chosen and cherished in the sight of God, and all who believe in Him will not be disappointed. It was prophesied of old that this Superior Stone of God would be despised by men. It was foretold by holy men of God that this Chief Cornerstone would be rejected by those He came to save.
Though chosen by God, the Lord Jesus was rejected by His own nation. He came to His own people as their King and Messiah, but they would not receive Him. Nevertheless, we who have tasted His goodness, grace, kindness, and compassion, can come to Him as to a living stone, which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of God.
Jesus trod the path of rejection for our sake so that we could be forgiven of our sin and identified with Him. He suffered at the hands of wicked men so that we could be clothed in His righteousness, drink of His spiritual milk, and be fed on the Bread of Life, by faith in Him.
May we, who have tasted of His loving kindness and great mercy, come to our rejected Lord, willing to be rejected by the world for His name’s sake, for we are members of His Body and living stones who are being built into a spiritual Temple for His names sake.
May we come to JESUS as to a Living, Life-giving Stone, rejected by men but precious in God’s sight.
My Prayer
Heavenly Father, I am amazed and deeply grateful to know that the Lord Jesus, Who is the Chief Cornerstone of the Church and the Precious Foundation Stone upon Whom my faith is founded, was chosen by You to be my Saviour. Thank You that He was willing to come to earth and be despised and rejected by men for my sake so that by faith in Him I might become a member of His Body and a living stone that is being built into a holy Temple for Your glory. Help me live my life in such a way that honours You. This I ask in Jesus’ name, AMEN.
Bible References
4 To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious,
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