
Verse of the Day

Remember me, O my God, for good, according to all that I have done for this people. Nehemiah 5:19 (NASB)

Verse of the Day
As we read through the book of Nehemiah, we discover a man with a passion for his God, a concern for God’s people, and a zeal for the house of the Lord.

From our introduction to this man as cupbearer to the king of Persia, we discover him to be a man after God’s own heart who desired to do God’s will. He was a man with a servant nature who cared for God’s people, and a man who feared the Lord but who, despite much opposition from many quarters, sought to restore the joy of the Lord to a people who had left their first love.

Though God lifted him up to be governor of Jerusalem and a leader of His people, Nehemiah was not a man who sought to make a name for himself or profit from his fellow-men, but one who desired to lift up the name of the Lord. He did not chase after personal fame or fortune or look to his own interests, but set his heart and mind to do the work that God had prepared for him to do.

In the midst of his toil we hear Nehemiah pray: “Remember me, O my God, for good, according to all that I have done for this people.” Nehemiah was a faithful servant of the Lord and was simply carrying out what God had called him to do. But despite the problems he faced, Nehemiah was a great example of a man who trusted God.

He listened to God’s voice, he followed God’s commands, and he carried out the work God called him to do. And so Nehemiah was a man who was able to confidently pray: “Remember me, oh God, for good,” for he knew that God is a rewarder of those who trust Him earnestly and seek to do His will, despite the difficulties they may face.

No matter where God places us, may we, like Nehemiah, listen to God’s voice, follow His commands,and diligently carry out the work that God has called us to do, knowing that He Who started a good work in us is faithful to complete it.

My Prayer
Heavenly Father, I pray that I may be a faithful servant in the place where You have planted me. Help me to listen carefully to Your voice, trust Your Word, follow Your commands, and finish the work that You have called me to do. In Jesus’ name I pray, AMEN.


Bible References

19 Think upon me, my God, for good, according to all that I have done for this people.

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