
John 17:15


Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

Jesus, in showing his love and care for his disciples in prayer before God, is our great example that we must, we should, and we can pray for God’s spiritual protection on those we love.


My Prayer…

Loving and Tender Shepherd, the great Guardian of the Flock, please be glorified in my life. Please physically and spiritually protect the following people for whom I have deep concerns. In the name of Jesus.

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One Comment

  1. John 17:15
    My prayer is not that You take them out of the world but that You protect them from the evil one.

    When a person places their faith in Christ, they automatically become a witness for Christ to the unsaved around them. This is the very reason that God leaves us here and doesn’t just take us home to heaven the moment we are saved. We are to grow in grace as we become the hands and feet of God on this earth. We are to go about doing His will and business of telling others of Christ and showing out our faith in our daily life.

    It would be impossible to do this without the protection of God from the evil one (Satan). The devil cannot touch us but what God allows. We are God’s children and have the Holy Spirit in us to give us the power and strength we need to accomplish His will in this life (Philippians 4:13). We are fearless for Christ only because of our position in Christ before God the Father. Our approach to living for God can be a bold one! There is nothing and no one we should fear, God has already defeated sin, death, and hell!

    Does it touch your heart that Jesus prayed for you? That He still prays for you? It certainly should! He is at the right hand of God right now interceding for all those who place their faith in Him!

    Romans 8:34
    Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died – more than that, who was raised to life – is at the right hand of God interceding for us.

    Praise His Holy Name!!

    My precious Lord Jesus, oh how I love You! Thank You for interceding for me to Father God! Thank You for shedding Your own life giving blood on the cross for my sin. I am fully aware that I do not now or ever can deserve Your love, but am filled with love and gratitude that You love me anyway! My purpose is to serve You all the days of my life, bringing You all the glory and honor that You so richly deserve, Amen!

Verse of the Day

Refuge and Strength