
A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife.

– Proverbs 15:18

Some men will fight at the drop of a hat. And they may drop it themselves. This fighting spirit is from man’s depraved nature inherited from Adam (Titus 3:3; Rom 1:29-31; 3:13-18). It is due to man’s pride and selfishness, which demand preeminence over others (Pr 13:10; Phil 2:3-4). It is caused by hasty anger from an impulsive spirit, which instantly reacts to discredit or dominate others and revenge any offence or wrong (Jas 4:1-5).


A wrathful man gets angry quickly. At even slight provocations, he reacts immediately against the person that offended him. Of course, this often provokes the offending party to greater anger as well. What might have been solved easily or have simply disappeared becomes a major conflict. The wrathful man has stirred up a fight beyond what it would have been. His quick anger increases conflicts wherever he goes. He is a dangerous fool.


However, a man that gets angry slowly can calm feelings and end fights. Rather than react with haste or violence, he gently and patiently absorbs the offences of aggressors and causes their fury to dissipate. It is impossible to fight with a pillow. If it takes two to fight, which it does, then the slow-to-anger person ends fights by calming the escalating emotions and attacks. His lack of anger appeases the conflict that briefly appeared.


Angry men are fools, for they violate wisdom by emotional responses (Pr 14:17,29; Ec 7:8-9). They are dangerous to be around, because they start or intensify conflicts among men (Pr 17:14,19; 19:19; 29:22). You should avoid and reject such men, because they will corrupt your noble spirit that hates fighting (Pr 14:7; 22:24-25; I Cor 15:33).


Wise men learn to rule their spirits and avoid getting angry (Pr 14:29; Jas 1:19-20). Solomon said such a man was greater than one who could defeat a city by himself (Pr 16:32). A glorious man will defer his anger and pass over the transgressions of others (Pr 19:11). He does not want to fight. Soft words work wonders with angry people (Pr 15:1).


Jesus Christ taught that offering the other cheek was a godly response to provocation (Matt 5:38-42). He condemned anger without a righteous cause (Matt 5:21-26). The great ones in the kingdom of heaven are peacemakers, not fighters (Matt 5:9; Jas 3:17-18). They are the meek of the earth, and they rejoice to give in to others whenever possible.


Hatred stirs up strife by anger; but love covers all the offences and sins that occur among men (Pr 10:12; I Pet 4:8). Jesus gave the ultimate example of being slow to anger during his outrageous trial and crucifixion (I Pet 2:19-23; Mark 15:5). Paul loved the Corinthians though they did not appreciate his sacrifices (II Cor 12:15). Are you like Jesus and Paul?

Bible References

18 A wrathful man stirreth up strife: but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife.

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