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Isaiah 40:28-29
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Isaiah 40:28-29
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.
Our Creator God has made all that exists. He never grows tired or weary, and His wisdom is the very best wisdom that there is. The things He knows we cannot even begin to understand, that is how far above mankind that He is!
Now, since we know this to be true, why would we ever doubt that He could give us the strength and energy that we need to do life? He will give us all that we need to live for Him and to have contentment and peace in the process!
God has never promised us that this life will be easy, what He has promised is that He will be there to comfort us through the tough times. Jesus told us that here will be troubles in this life.
John 16:33
“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
We will grow weary and feel very weak sometimes, that is just part of living in this fallen sinful world. But as God’s children through faith in Christ we have a surety that the unsaved do not possess. We know that all things will work together for our good when we are called according to God’s purposes (Romans 8:28). This doesn’t mean that everything will go as we wish it to, it means that it will go according to God’s plan for us. Everyone who has placed their faith in Christ has a mission from God to fulfill on this earth. The Holy Spirit that indwells us will lead and guide us to that plan when we are sensitive to His promptings.
I find in my own life that when I start having negative feelings it is usually because I have gotten my eyes off of Christ and onto my current troubling situation. Then I take it a step further and start to worry about it! This does not one bit of good, in fact it makes the problem even bigger than it has to be most times! I read a quote the other day that speaks volumes on worry:
“Worry is worshiping your problem. Prayer is surrendering your problem.”
When I take my problems straight to the feet of Jesus through prayer and leave them there for Him to resolve, life is much more enjoyable for I have released them to the only One who can give me comfort.
Our strength and power come from God, we are His ambassadors on this earth and that is such an amazing position to be in. The Creator of all that exists has given us His power to live this life and to be a testimony for Him in doing so! Have you thanked Him today for always being there for you? For giving you everything you could possibly need to carry out His will for your life?
Father God, thank You for sending Jesus to this earth to die for my sins. Thank You for the strength that You give each day to live for You. Even though I fail You many times Father, You are always there to forgive and comfort me. Help me to keep my focus on Christ and to use the power that is in me through Your Holy Spirit each day to carry out Your will for me. I love You so Abba, Amen!