
Verse of the Day

Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow. —Psalm 144:4

Psalm 144:4

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

Time is so precious — time with our families, children, parents, friends, and brothers and sisters in Christ. How do you invest your time? Where do you invest it? You know, our time is really more valuable than the money we invest. Once the present time and its opportunities are gone, they can’t be reclaimed. So as you begin each day, ask God that you will be able to “know the time,” to see it for what it is, and to use it for its greatest good. Time passes quickly, and like the shadows of early evening, it’s not long before it is absorbed into the gathering darkness of night.


My Prayer…

Eternal God, please give me the wisdom to use the time given me today to do what is best, right, good, and profitable. I want to invest my time in what is truly enduring and redemptive. Please help me use my time to influence and bless all those with whom I interact so that they are brought closer to you. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Bible References

Man is like to vanity: his days are as a shadow that passeth away.

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One Comment

  1. Psalm 144:4
    Man is like a breath; his days are like a fleeting shadow.

    In light of God’s greatness, mankind is utterly insignificant and his days fleeting. The verse prior to this one (3), says, “Lord, what are human beings that You care for them, mere mortals that You think of them?”
    When we truly understand the holiness of God, and our unholiness outside of Christ, then these verses come sharply into focus for us.
    Mankind thinks themselves pretty good, don’t they?
    Humanism is taught to us by this world, we are told from every form of media how wonderful we are and how we deserve to have whatever we want when we want it. The truth according to God’s Word is that the heart of man is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17:9), and we deserve nothing good. All our righteousness is as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). But Jesus came and died for us, turning our sins white as snow through His blood shed for us at Calvary. Now all who place their faith in Christ are righteous before God because of the atoning power of Jesus’ blood! Oh, how we rejoice in this!

    Our days on this earth are like a breath on a cold day, you see it and then in seconds it is gone. The older I get the more acutely aware of this I am. I also see that only what is done for Christ and furthering His kingdom is of any eternal value.
    Yes, we all have jobs to do for God instructs us to work (2 Thessalonians 3:10), but we can be a great witness for Christ at our places of employment by doing an honest days work and being respectful to the boss. Also, by being kind to co-workers, showing them the love of Christ in our actions and words. If you are a young mom and are staying home to raise your little ones, this is also time well spent. You are raising your children to love Jesus and follow Him in their life, that is furthering the kingdom of God for sure!
    Maybe you are a retired person, God has great ways to use you to further His kingdom. Possibly by telling your peers about the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, sharing with them all that Christ has done for you in this life. Many elderly individuals have been abandoned by their children and rarely see any friends throughout their day, you be their friend and show them that God can be their Father through faith in Christ and He will never leave them or forsake them!
    There are several ways that our time on this earth can be spent doing God’s will, when we pray to Him each morning that His will be done in our day it is amazing how He lets us know exactly what we are to do. Then when we lay our heads down at night we can rest assured that we have done His will and given the victory for the day to Him!

    Father God, I pray that You show me Your perfect will for me this day and that You lead me where I am to go and give me the words that I am to speak for Your glory. My desire is to spend my time as You would have me spend it Father for I love You so. Thank You for Your love and care for me Abba, Amen!

A Forever Given Promise – Grace Thru Faith
