
Amen, Amen and Amen so true. Hallelujah Unto GOD.

You may feel more like a mess than a masterpiece, but from God’s perspective, a work of art is exactly what you are. Even if you feel worthless or rejected, this fact must supersede your feelings. Once you understand how precious you are to the Lord, your attitude, thinking, and behavior will begin to align with the truth. Each of us is a work in progress that will not be completed until Christ comes to take us home to heaven. (See Philippians 1:6.) However, until then we should be a reflection of His character, love, and service. As we go about our daily lives, our purpose is to bring God glory. If we’re living for anything else—even good things like family or a career—we’ve missed our purpose. But remember: We don’t become masterpieces by something we do any more than a block of marble can shape itself into a sculpture. Only the Creator can make us a masterpiece through our relationship with Christ. God has provided everything we need to accomplish the tasks He has given us. In John 15:4, Jesus told His disciples to abide in Him like a branch in a vine. When we abide in Christ and obey Him (v. 10), His life flows through us like sap, and we become fruitful. Imagine the joy that will be ours when we know we’ve invested our lives for Him and are given the privilege of bowing in humble submission before the One who made us. Now that’s what a masterpiece is called to do.

Adapted from “A Marvelous Display,” by Charles F. Stanley

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