
Quicken me after thy lovingkindness; – Thy mercy; thy grace; thy compassion

Quicken me – Cause me to live; revive me. See Psalm 71:20, note; Ephesians 2:1, note. Compare Psalm 80:18; Romans 8:11; 1 Peter 3:18; John 6:63.

After thy loving-kindness – Thy mercy; thy grace; thy compassion. That is, Let the measure of the grace given to me be thine own benevolent nature, and not my deserts. That is all I ask; that is all I could desire.

So shall I keep the testimony of thy mouth – Which proceeds out of thy mouth. His hope of being able to keep it was founded on the grace and mercy which he besought God to bestow upon him.

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Verse of the Day

God’s Little Remnant