
Verse of the Day

Remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins. —James 5:20

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

When someone wanders from God’s path, let’s not take their rebellion frivolously. God has given us the tremendous blessing of carrying on the work of our Savior, Jesus, who came to seek and save the lost (Mark 10:45Luke 10:10). Jesus calls us to help the wayward return home to the Savior and go find those who are lost and return them to the Savior (Matthew 18:10-14Luke 15:1-32).


My Prayer…

Gracious Father, please be with those I love who are living in rebellion against you. Use me to be your agent of restoration to bring them home to you and help them discover your grace, mercy, and forgiveness. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Bible References

20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

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One Comment

  1. James 5:19-20
    My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this:
    Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover a multitude of sins.

    First of all we must keep in mind that James is writing to born again believers in Jesus Christ, that is why he calls them “brothers and sisters”. The Word of God is telling us here that when a believer wanders from the truth, either in doctrine or practice, it is the responsibility of the oversight of the church (elders, deacons, pastor) to fervently pray for and lovingly try and guide that person back to Christ. This is not just the responsibility of the church leaders, it is also for us who may have a Christian friend or family member who goes through the same experience (Colossians 3:16). We are to lovingly try and restore them to godly living and thinking (Galatians 6:1).

    In vs. 20 James goes on to say that those who “turn” this rebellious Christian back to living for Christ have saved them from death. This does not mean that the wayward Christian was in danger of losing their salvation (spiritual death) for we are told numerous times throughout God’s Word that our salvation is eternal (John 10”27-29, 1 John 5:13, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 8:38-39).
    The death he is referring to hear is physical death, in some instances when a Christian is living in rebellion to God and refuses to turn back to him God takes them home to Himself. I heard a sermon one time on this subject with an example like this;
    “A mother is watching her child play with a friend in the yard, she sees her child misbehaving and calls out to him to behave. She warns him many times to obey her and play nice but time after time he refuses to listen to her. She goes outside and brings him in the house where he is made to obey her.” (J. Vernon Mc Gee)

    The Bible does talk about sin that leads to physical death (1 John 5:16-17). There are some sins that God takes so seriously He ends the life of the individual (Acts 5:1-10). Clearly God does not do this every time we sin, only He knows if some rebellious Christians will turn back to Him in this life or not. This is His call to make for only He knows the future!

    Lastly, we are told that whoever guides this wayward believer back to God covers a multitude of sins. When this Christian returns to the family of God we are to love them, forgive them, and shower them with acceptance. Their sins are forgiven and forgotten by God and we are to do so as well! There is to be no “sitting in judgment” on this person and bringing up their past sins, those sins are covered under the blood of Christ and no one can or should dig them up!

    Father God, thank You for sending Jesus to shed His blood for my sins. Thank You for Your mercy and grace towards me each and every day! I love You so and thank You that my salvation is eternal and can never be taken from me. Help me Abba Father to live my days for You and to be a worthy example of Your love and grace to those in my life. I love You so, Amen!

The Supreme Ambition

Branch Life