
Verse of the Day

My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them. —Proverbs 1:10

Thoughts on Today’s Verse…

The real issue isn’t “if” but “when” we’re enticed and tempted! Our children face tremendous peer pressure and temptations. We do, too! We must help them resist the enticements of this pressure. Also, we must never tire of resisting them ourselves. One example of a parent preparing his child for trials and temptations is found when God affirmed his Son, Jesus, with affirming words at his baptism when he opened the heavens and said: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased” (Luke 3:21). And if the words weren’t enough, God opened the heavens and sent down Holy Spirit in the form of a dove! How vital were these words of affirmation? When we see what happened next, Jesus’ forty days of temptation in the wilderness, we realize they were essential! Satan’s first words to Jesus were, “If you are the Son of God…” God had already blessed his Son with words of affirmation and encouragement before his trials. How much more do those we love need our words of affirmation and love to resist their trials and temptations?!


My Prayer…

O God, I do face temptations and enticements. Please guard my heart, my life, and my example. Please help me be a person of character and integrity. In addition, please enable me to lead, protect, guard, and warn my loved ones — those in my physical and spiritual families — and help them avoid stumbling and falling in trials and temptations. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.


Bible References

10 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.

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  1. Proverbs 1:10
    My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them.

    Many times when a young person ruins their life, we often hear others say “they got in with the wrong crowd”. That is explained quite well in verses 10-19 of this chapter. However in our verse for today the warning is issued to all that life is full of enticements to evil!

    We have all known those who have ruined their lives as young people by going along with their “friends”. Things that they were raised to know better than to do, but gave in to the pressures of friendship and committed sinful acts. This is an age old problem and can only be averted by having the courage to say “no” to the thousands of temptations to sin that come along each week in a persons life!

    As God’s children we have the indwelling Holy Spirit which will give us the strength and courage to stand against the enticements of satan when we let Him (Romans 8:26). He will enable us to run from the tempts to sin, and cling to Christ for the strength and comfort that we need!

    When I was a child I led a friend of mine to Christ. As we got older she got into drugs, and other sinful life practices. Many years later I ran into her and she was so happy to see me. She pulled me aside and asked me if I remembered the day that I had shared Christ with her when we were small children, I said of course I do! She said, “I accepted Christ that day, but was disobedient to Him until a couple of years ago when I rededicated my life to Him. Now, I am living my life for Jesus and also raising my child to know Him!” We rejoiced together and praised God for His intervention in her life. For years she lived for Jesus, but sadly the drugs had done too much damage to her heart and she died just 10 years later. I was so very saddened by her death, but I know that she is with Christ and we will rejoice together again in heaven one day! Even though she ignored the red flags that God gave her in her earlier years to avoid drugs and such, she gave control of her life back to Christ and served Him before God called her home!

    So where are you in your life right now? Are you ignoring the warnings that God is sending you? Are you playing with fire by being around sinful practices that you know you should not be around? Please run from them as fast as you can! Run to Christ and seek the counsel of godly people to help you in your struggles. God loves you so and desires you to live a rich full life for Him until He calls you home!

    2 Corinthians 6:17 (NLT)
    Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the LORD. Don’t touch their filthy things, and I will welcome you.

    Father God, thank You for sending Jesus to this earth to die for my sins! Thank You for Your indwelling Holy Spirit that enables me to live for You when I get out of the way. Help me to run from the temptations that the evil one sends my way and to stand firm for You each time! I love You so Abba and give You all glory and praise this day, Amen!

Divine Layaway

Lord Jesus, I love you and thank you