
An Incorporated Body

I in them and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that You have sent Me and have loved them as You have loved Me.” John 17:23

Unfathomable Mystery
We are the body of Christ, Who is the Head. What an unfathomable mystery. All who are in Christ are expected to live their lives as His life living in them. In the prayer He prayed just before Calvary, Christ prayed to the Father, “The glory You gave Me I have given them… that they may be one just as We are one”. John 17:22

Body of Christ
In this body, Christ has a counterpart that is to complement and complete Him! What is true of the Head is to be true of the body and we are the body of Christ! We are complete in Him, Who is the Head of all principality and power. The church of Christ has been born out of God and are sent out from God. Each have a spiritual revelation, which has come from the Father.

Mystery of Grace
Christ spoke only what His Father said and we must only speak the words from Him. Christ did His earthly work through the Father and we must do our work through Him. Christ had a zeal for His Father’s house and kingdom and so must we who are His body. In the life we live, all things are out of God – all things come from Him. What a glorious mystery of grace. What mysterious grace and glory.

Work of God
A band of timid and fearful men who all forsook their Lord, denied Him and fled, became a most powerful group of fearless spiritual warriors – the most powerful group of fearless spiritual warriors the world has ever seen. This was the work of God. This was the result of the Spirit coming in power. This is what was meant when we read, they were all baptised by one Spirit…  For by one Spirit we were all baptised into one body – whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.” 1Cor.12:13

Baptised into Christ
And Christ is the head of that body into which all believers are ‘baptised.’ And the ‘body’ are those that are born from above – born out of God. The disciples had no action-plan that was independent of Christ. They had no board-meetings to decide strategy – no self-laid plans; no schemes. They had no pre-planned programme or enterprise – no undertaking to follow..  except as they were taught but the Word of truth – the Lord Who is their head – except as they were led of the Holy Ghost.. incorporated into Christ, the Head.

Christ the Head
As the Son looked to the Father – so the body must look to the Son. As Christ abode in the bosom of the Father – we too must abide in Christ. It is the head that does the thinking – not the arm or toe; not the eye or ear. Never be led to act or react from your own natural being – your own self-life. Wait, pray, and permit the judgments of the Spirit to lead and to guide in all things.

Power of the Spirit
Our own emotional leanings or reasoning power can devastate God’s best. In His grace and mercy, He rescues our foolish folly but we pay the consequence. Yes, all things work together for good…. but let’s not lose His best will for our lives. Today so much Christian work is expended in our own time, energy, and way… but unless effected by the power of the Spirit, it is pretty ineffective.

Position of Christ
The real work of God is measured by the position of Christ in a believer’s heart. Fires of judgment, loosed on the works of the kingdom will test effectiveness, If gold, silver, and precious stones are not revealed there will be a sad pile ashes. We may be acclaimed and honoured by man, for our great and good works – but unless implemented from Christ, such acts of His body produce nothing.. for the works of the flesh will profit nothing. Remember – it is not what is done for Him, that is important, it is what is done by Him through the believer, as he remains in Christ.

Remain in Christ
Day by day the most important work a believer can do is to remain in Him. Moment by moment we must be sure we have been incorporated into Christ..  born out of God and are sent out from God – Thy will not mine be done. To remain in Him and He in us in every step of life – from this point forward.. speaking only the words out from Christ – ‘til I am nothing and He is everything. Working only the works of God that He has prepared for us through Him. Like Him, to maintain zeal for His Father’s House and Kingdom – Thy Kingdom come on earth… the Millennial kingdom rule of Christ…

By My Spirit
We are the body of Christ, Who is the Head, and His ways are unfathomable. But what a glorious mystery of grace. What mysterious grace and glory. Not by might – nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord. Zechariah 4:6


Bible References

22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:

23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.

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